Thursday, March 22, 2012


The weather outside was SO beautiful yesterday! The sun was out, and it was nice and breezy, too! How could I not pass up an opportunity to shoot a fun session? ;-) Some of you may remember my friend Bethany from the session in December, showcasing her tattoos. We got together again to capture some shots of her super fun, and wild purple hair! No, it's not a wig, haha. ;-) Prior to this shoot, I knew I wanted something fun, and new for portfolio, and I honestly felt this was a good opportunity. You know how I do, keepin' it fresh!

She also has these amazing black wedge boots that have spikes on the back heels! After processing this image, I realized that it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland... just more edgy. ;-)

As strange as it might be, we actually went into the drained pool in her back to get some shots. I always love a interesting places and spaces to photograph people in. It's not everyday I get to take pictures standing in someones pool!
Meet Sprocket, Bethany's handsome little guy! While we were standing in her drained pool, he hurried over wondering what all the buzz was, and why we were in the pool when there was no water! Bethany brought out some cheese for Mr. Sprocket, so I could get a few shots of his cute little mug. :-)

The left picture, is just so silly, I had to post it! I love how her expression changes between the two images, and they were only taken a few seconds apart! You are such a model!
Bethany, I enjoyed working with you, yet again! You are GORGEOUS!  And so stinkin' creative sometimes, it blows my mind. :-) You're ability to just live life freely is very inspiring, and you're 'mermaid hair' looks so cute on you!

Jessica Rambo Photography

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